
Your Privacy is Important

This handout outlines your privacy rights and provides information about Canopy Support Services privacy practices, which comply with the Personal Health Information and Protection Act (PHIPA) to promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act (SIPPDA).

Questions or Concerns?

We are able to answer any questions you have about the collection, use or sharing of your personal and health information, or to discuss any concerns you have. Please contact Canopy Support Services’s Lead Privacy Officer at 1-888-616-3456 ext.266 or email

You may also contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario at 1-800-387-0073 or

Privacy Statement

Canopy Support Services is committed to ensuring confidentiality and protecting your privacy. Canopy Support Services has a dedicated team to ensure your individual needs are identified and service coordination occurs from our initial contact with you. Canopy Support Services coordinates with schools, healthcare organizations, and community agencies to develop a personalized service plan to assist you with what you need. Services are provided by professionals who work for Canopy Support Services and we coordinate services amongst our programs to provide you efficient and effective supports.

Canopy Support Services has developed processes and tools, such as our shared electronic database and common intake assessments, to enable our staff to share information, coordinate services and work together to monitor your progress throughout your time in service with us. Your Personal Health information will only be viewed by Canopy Support Services professionals who have an active role in providing your services.

Personal Health Information includes both health related and non-health related information that you choose to share. Examples include: birth and developmental history, interview and assessment records, documents such as diagnostic, school, lab and transition reports, service plans, and progress notes and clinical reports. We only collect the information we need to provide the best supports and services to you and your family.

How We Use the Information

The information we collect is used by Canopy Support Services to:

  • Confirm service eligibility

  • Determine your need for service

  • Coordinate services internally and with other service providers

  • Comply with privacy legislation and Quality Assurance Measures

  • Service Planning

How Do I Provide Consent for Information Sharing?

There are two ways you can provide consent:

Verbally: Speak with a Central Navigation Specialist who will assist with your intake and
service requests.

Written: Complete the Consent Directive form during your initial service intake.

What is Informed Consent?

Before you give Canopy Support Services permission to collect, use, share and store your personal health information, staff will talk to you about the following:

  • What personal health information is being collected, used, shared and stored

  • Why personal health information is being collected

  • How personal health information is being collected and with whom is it shared

  • That you may choose to give, withhold, withdraw or place limits on the consent you provide

  • That you may change your mind, at any time

  • The positive and negative consequences of giving, withholding, withdrawing, or limiting consent

If you change your mind about the decision you made to provide consent you can:

  • Withdraw your consent, place limits on the consent you provide, or change what information is shared. This can be done in writing or verbally to any Canopy Support Services professional.

We Keep Your Records Safe and Secure by:

  • Storing your paper records in a secured location

  • Using security codes and passwords

  • Training staff regularly about privacy and security policies

  • Following Ministry regulations and legislation about how long we retain your personal health information.

  • Having staff sign agreements that state they will keep your information private and secure.

Breach in Security:

If something unexpected happens and your personal health information is stolen or lost, Canopy Support Services will contact you let you know what is being done to address the situation.

Access to Your Information:

You have the right to look at your information and ask us to make corrections if the information is inaccurate. Please contact us if you would like to view your information at 1-888-616-3456.

Canopy Support Services is a non-profit organization that receives funding from the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services.

Canopy Support Services business and privacy practices meet FOCUS accreditation standards.